Not Sure Which Nail File Grit You Should Be Using? Here's Your Ultimate Guide (2025)

Doing your nails at home seems easy enough—until you’re shopping for supplies and encounter a six-foot wall of products. When there are 100 different nail files on display, it’s tough to know where to start.And it isn't like you can just pick up any old nail file because whether you realize it or not–there is quite a big difference between the varying types of files. Some work best for artificial nails, some help remove lingering gel polish, and others are made specifically for weaker, natural nails. And since using the wrong tool can cause serious damage, it's important to understand which file does what.

To get the 411 on all things nail files, we asked the pros—celebrity nail artist Sonya Meesh, Nailing Hollywood nail artists San Sun Kim, Rachel Joseph, and Laura Malarkey, and LeChat Nails educator Syreeta Aaron—to outline the differences between all the options out there. Read on to find out what each nail grit is best for including the best nail file for natural nails.

Meet the Experts

  • Sonya Meesh is a celebrity nail artist with clients like Lupita Nyongo and Sasha Colby.
  • San Sun Kim is a nail artist specializing in hand-painted art.
  • Rachel Joseph is a celebrity nail artist with clients like Kim Kardashian and Ayesha Curry.
  • Laura Malarkey is a celebrity nail artists with clients like Versace, Kaley Cuoco, and Pamela Anderson.
  • Syreeta Aaron is a nail artist and educator at LeChat Nails.

What Is Nail File Grit?

Nail file grit refers to how coarse and abrasive a nail file is. You’ll see files labeled by number, typically between 60 and 1000. (If you see two numbers, you’re likely looking at a double-sided file.) “The lower the number, the more abrasive the file is,” says Meesh. You may also see them labeled as simply “coarse,” “medium,” or “fine.”

Why does it matter? An 80-grit nail file (more abrasive) can tear apart and damage natural nails. A fine, 1000-grit file would take serious elbow grease (or, more likely, it would break) when tasked with shaping acrylics. In other words: You need the right tool for the job at hand.

What Nail Grit Do I Need?

Shaping Artificial Nails

If you’re shaping acrylics, press-ons, or gel extensions down to the desired length, a lower grit (something between 80-180, says Meesh) will help you grind through the layers of cured glue or other artificial material. Meesh recommends Orly's Buffer File Duo for this kind of work, which has two sides—110 and 180 grit—and tapered ends that can help even out the sides and cuticles of the artificial nails. “Anything below 180 works for nail enhancements,” she adds.

Removing a Dip or Gel Manicure

Once you hit 180, you’re in the sweet spot for a grit that can help to remove the top layers of a dip or gel manicure. Once you get that initial cured layer off, you can soak the rest with acetone. “180 grit is coarse enough to break down the gel or dip product but not coarse enough to accidentally file too much product and damage the natural nail underneath,” says Kim. Once you get a bit closer to the natural nail, switch to a slightly higher (finer) grit to help finish the job.

Buffing and Detailing

When buffing the nail plate, you want the highest grit you can find so as not to split or damage the nail. “Never use a coarse grit to buff the bare nail plate or file the edges of a thin natural nail,” says Malarkey. “It will do irreparable damage.” The fine-grit nail files usually start at around 400. If your nails are naturally very weak, err on the higher (finer) side.

What Is the Best Nail File for Natural Nails?

If you're filing your natural nails, you’ll want to aim for files in the 200-240 grit range or a file labeled as a “medium grit,” says Malarkey. “When filing the edges of natural nails it's best to file from the outside edge into the midlinein one sweeping movement on either side,” she says. “Filing this way protects the fragile edge of the natural nail from splitting and helps keep it from snagging as it grows out.”

Does the Shape of the Nail File Matter?

In terms of the ability to help you create your look, nope. The shapes—rounded, half-moon, block—are really about what you’re most comfortable using. “It depends on the person,” says Aaron, noting that some shapes might be easier to maneuver around the cuticles. Buy a few cheaper files and experiment with what shapes work best for you and your desired look.

Is it Worth it to Spend More on a Good Nail File?

As with many things in beauty (and in life), “you get what you pay for,” says Joseph. “Really cheap nail files do work, but the qualityisn't the best.” That quality makes all the difference if you’ve set up shop at home. “If you file your nails frequently, it is definitely better to invest in a high-quality, reusable nail file,” says Malarkey, who recommends Erica's ATA Diamond Hand Files. “My favorite for filing natural nails are diamond or glass files that can be cleaned and reused many times.”

“I have noticed that the quality of the file affects how quickly and precisely I can achieve my end goal,” Kim adds. “I also disinfect the file after every use and replace it every few months.” You’ll need to replace cheaper files more often as the grit wears down faster, so if you’re conscious of creating waste, those one-off files might not be for you.

And if the file isn’t working as well, that’s an indicator that it’s time to replace it. The file won’t shape as quickly or as well over time. “Another good sign of overuse is when you have bent the file or if the file is not as stiff as it once was,” says Aaron.

Not Sure Which Nail File Grit You Should Be Using? Here's Your Ultimate Guide (2025)
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